Mackenzie Wessell


The Seasons of SEO

Everybody is talking about SEO nowadays - it is how you get found online by customers, how you build trust, create an excellent customer experience, and so much more. It is a crucial aspect of the daily behind-the-scenes of business, and the results of one’s efforts (or lack thereof) in the SEO realm will be made evident over time. 

Although SEO is truly a long game in which it takes time to see results, it is one worth playing. However, there is not a cookie-cutter way to approach SEO, and strategy should depend on your customer, your content, and believe it or not, the seasons of the year. Customer preferences vary by season, and so should business’s SEO strategies.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and sums up a range of activities that aim to increase the quality and quantity of interactions with your website and online presence through organic search. 

What is Organic Search?

Organic search is non-paid results that search engines return in response to a user’s search query. Search engines develop these results for the user in an order of what they have deemed most relevant to the query. A variety of SEO factors and practices can affect your business’s relevance to a customer query on search engines. 

What is Seasonal SEO?

Seasonal SEO pays close attention to the changing seasons of the year and adjusts SEO strategy accordingly. For example, a dentist’s office may choose to focus on back-to-school pediatric dental exams in August and September since that is the back-to-school season. Likewise, a plastic surgery company may promote laser hair removal closer to summer when more people are in bathing suits. utilizes seasonal SEO strategies to create targeted, customized content for our clients and drive website traffic and conversions season after season.

To learn more about seasonal SEO or to explore how we can help your company build a winning SEO strategy, get in touch with in San Diego, California by calling (858) 345-5500.

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